CCBC Lois Ehlert Window
CCBC reading room
Ehlert Window
CCBC reading room
Current Picture Books
CCBC entryway
CCBC reference desk
CCBC reading room

Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC)

The CCBC is a unique and vital gathering place for books, ideas, and expertise in the field of children’s and young adult literature. The CCBC is a noncirculating examination, study, and research library for Wisconsin school and public librarians, teachers, early childhood care providers, university students, and others interested in children’s and young adult literature. The CCBC is part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education, and receives additional support from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. More about the CCBC.

Book of the Week

  • All By Myself (But Sometimes I Need a Little Help!)

    In a cheery yet matter-of-fact narrative, a child recites a host of things they can do by themself. For each, they also note a related activity with which they require help. “I can put on my shoes, but I need a little help to tie the laces. … I can decorate a kite, but I need a little help to fly it in the wind.”

  • MORE BOOKS of the WEEK



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